god, i love to sing. i have no talent, i am horrible, but the way the words flow into tune, your soul comes out in a good song, its like you are flying.
you channel yourself into words that come out like gushes of wind, and they flow into the air like rain, touching everyone that lets it. and god, do i feel alive when i sing and everyone looks at me. when they smile and wave and laugh. some people live in maths and some live to paint, some live to make beautiful music and some live just for the thrill. i live to write. to share words with others is the best thing i can do. i love to hear what people have to say when they read what i write. and it makes me feel whole when i know the words that have naturally flown from my fingertips, get under peoples skin and make them listen. and the way they realise that i am completely, totally and entirely right. that i tell more truth on paper then people have heard ever before. that is what i thrive to hear.
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